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It's Pinot Noir time

Our 100% Pinot Noir wine is made using standard Whisson Lake practices - no fiddling! Or to put it another way, more or less how winemaking was done in the better cellars in Burgundy before the advent of high-tech oenology.

That is to say: wild (ambient!) yeast, wild malo bugs, no pH adjustments, no added tannin, vitamins, colour or anything else, no fining or filtering, no refrigeration but with cold soaks pre- and post-fermentation, and warm ferments in open fermenters (we insulate the fermenters and heat them if necessary).


All of our wine is made in very minimal batches and bottles are limited. 

Free shipping across Australia for orders over $300 

Warning: ​Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offence: to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (penalty exceeds $6000); for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (penalty exceeds $500).

Whisson Lake makes premium wines from the highest-altitude Pinot Noir vineyard within South Australia's Adelaide Hills.

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Phone: 0422175055

Email Us

PO Box 91, Uraidla

South Australia, 5142

© 2023, Whisson Lake

Producer’s Licence: 50803848

Website updated by Koren Helbig

Photography by Vanessa Kiermeier

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